MISA Framework of Cooperation
The REACH copper consortium is participating in the Metals and Inorganics Sectorial Approach (MISA). MISA is a voluntary initiative established by ECHA and Eurometaux aiming to further improve the completeness and quality of REACH dossiers and to advance technical and scientific issues related to metal compounds and inorganic substances. The MISA agreement is in line with ECHA’s Integrated Regulatory Strategy, and the cooperation will contribute to achieving the objectives of the 2020 Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM). (https://echa.europa.eu/-/echa-and-eurometaux-agree-on-framework-for-cooperation)
The programme runs from 2018-2020 and as part of its MISA commitment, the REACH Copper Consortium is currently actively engaged in work to refine the substance identity profiles (SIPs) for its UVCB substances.